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Tuesdays With Dorie: Creme Brulee

Before today, I thought that creme brulee was something that only restaurants could pull off. Now I know that I was wrong – and so, so right. Creme brulee is about to become a staple in the Herr house!

The actual assembly of the custard was very simple. The tough part is being able to tell when the brulees are done. Dorie’s recipe says to bake them for 50-60 minutes in a 200 degree oven. My oven starts at 265 degrees, and I ended up baking these little gems for well over an hour. Finally, after checking them like a maniac, I was content that they’d set and took them out to cool.

While they were cooling in the fridge, I ran out to buy my new favorite toy (pictured below). I know I could have used the broiler, but it just wouldn’t have had the same effect. It was very cool to watch the torch melting the sugar – now I want to use it for everything!

The end result was delicious. A nice crispy, sugary crunch paired with a sweet, rich custard. I think I have a new addiction.

*If you’re coming to visit any time in the next year, we’ll probably be eating creme brulee. And I promise to let you torch it. (Incentive to visit?)

**Tuesdays with Dorie is a group of bloggers baking through Dorie Greenspan’s Baking: From My Home to Yours. Find the recipe here.

2 Responses to “Tuesdays With Dorie: Creme Brulee”
  1. There is nothing like making a successful crème brûlée for the first time!

  2. pinkstripes says:

    The problem with these yummy desserts is that there are so many I want to make, that I never have time to make one a second or third time. Creme brulee is so easy, that it may be the exception!