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How to Lighten Up Your Recipes

I think January has been a successful month in the Great Food Adventure!  Here’s a little round-up of this month’s lightened-up favorites:
Lighter Chili
Lighter Mac & Cheese
Baked Fish & Chips
To round out the month, I wanted to share with you some of my favorite tips for lightening up your own recipes.  Many of these are common sense, but good reminders of what to keep on hand in a health-conscious home.

when applicable, use lower-fat, lower-sugar or lower-calorie items.  some great substitutes? evaporated skim milk/buttermilk for cream
pureed veggies or cornstarch/water slurry for a roux (butter/flour)
leaner cuts of meat
whole grains for refined
brown rice for white
lighter version of dairy products and salad dressings
fruit purees/oil for butter/sugar in baking

use these cooking methods: grill, steam, saute, roast, bake.  to reduce the amount of butter or oil you’re using, use just a touch, then keep the food from sticking with water, juice or broth.

try new flavors! think about herbs, spices, vinegars, extracts, citrus juices/zests..

increase the veggies. do this in omelets and scrambles, meatloaf/meatballs/burgers, quick breads, pasta dishes and more.

Hopefully these few tips will help you to lighten up your own meals at home.  Lord knows there are a lot of recipes out there that need it! (I’m looking at you, Paula and PW.)
 Also, I’m really looking forward to next month in the Great Food Adventure.  February is all about macarons!  Can’t wait to try them.  I’m going to OD on sugar, for sure.  The things I do for you guys!
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One Response to “How to Lighten Up Your Recipes”
  1. Emily Malloy says:

    Look at you! Startin’ the year off right with these great healthy recipes 🙂