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Dorie’s Best Chocolate Chip Cookies

This week’s pick is Dorie’s Best Chocolate Chip Cookies, chosen by Kait at Kait’s Plate.
Many of us out here in Foodieland are on the search for the perfect chocolate chip cookie, or have been for years.  We all have a different definition of “perfect”- chewy, crispy, chunky, nuts, no nuts.. the list goes on.
I was looking forward to this recipe, hoping Dorie would wow me, but it didn’t happen.  They just weren’t chewy enough for me.  The chewiness is essential.  But, I must say, they were pretty good with a glass of milk.
If you’re a chewy chocolate chip cookie person, check out this recipe– it’s the best I’ve found so far.  Sorry, Dorie!
*Tuesdays with Dorie (TWD) is a group of bloggers baking through Dorie Greenspan’s Baking: From My Home to Yours.
**Find the recipe here.
6 Responses to “Dorie’s Best Chocolate Chip Cookies”
  1. Tia says:

    cute cute plate!!! i want it! I’m also intrigued and will soon try your recc. CCC recipe.

  2. Mary says:

    They weren’t my favourite either, but pretty good. Mine were chewy, but so thin! I’ll have to check out your other recipe for next time.

  3. Your cookies look great! I also prefer a chewy cookie.

  4. Flourchild says:

    They look great, evern if they weren’t a fav. I hope you can bake with me next week!

  5. Leslie says:

    I made these a while back and they didn’t wow me, so I took a different approach. Yours look pretty tasty!

  6. Susan says:

    I wasn’t impressed with these either. Too flat. Yours look good. 🙂