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Baked Sweet Onion Dip

Warning: This is not good for you.  Just sayin’.
If you’re wondering why I’m even posting this recipe, you should know that I made this dip one time, two years ago, and I still think about it.  This stuff is dangerously addicting.  This is the kind of food that makes you think, “Wow. I now understand why Americans are dangerously overweight.” Because we come up with recipes like this.
I have been thinking a lot lately about the American food system since I watched Food, Inc. this weekend.  I mean, I knew things were bad, and that you should eat organic, blah blah, but I didn’t know all of the details.  I know I’m late to the party on this movie- if you are, too, go watch it now, like right now.  It made me feel like I couldn’t eat anything unless it came from my backyard.  I now understand why people go vegan.
There is mayo in this recipe, can you believe that?  I usually never eat mayo.  I think it’s weird that people need their sandwiches to be all moist.  It’s only in the fridge for the hubs’ sandwiches, really.  But I hijacked it for this recipe, which I made before watching Food, Inc. and becoming overly aware that half of the items in my cupboards are made of corn products.  Ridiculous.
All that nonsense to say: if you’re going to make this dip, make it a rarity.  Like, once every two years.  I don’t want to be responsible for your onion dip addiction a few years down the line.  Or make it for a party, where you can pass the heart attacks along to your loved ones.  Is this post becoming a total downer?  Yikes.
My point is, this dip is all-time, not all-the-time.  It is crazy delicious, be careful!
Maybe eat it with some carrot sticks.

Baked Sweet Onion Dip
from White on Rice Couple

1 8 oz package of cream cheese (very softened)
1 cup mayo (preferably Best Foods brand)
1 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese
1 cup diced or chopped sweet onion. You choose your size
1 tablespoon fresh cracked black pepper
Crusty bread or crackers

1. Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. In bowl, place softened cream cheese. The cream cheese must be very, very, soft (like spreadable butter) to allow all ingredients to blend evenly together. If your cream cheese needs to soften more, place in microwave for a few seconds.
2. Add mayo, parmesan cheese, onions and fresh cracked black pepper to soft cream cheese till everything is mixed thoroughly.
3. Place mixture in ramekins or any oven safe dishes. Bake slowly, for about 30-45 minutes for all ingredients to cook together. When the top crust is brown, almost burnt looking then the dip is ready. The darker brown the crust of the dip becomes, the better the flavors are cooked.
4. Serve with your favorite bread and crackers.

7 Responses to “Baked Sweet Onion Dip”
  1. oh my gosh this is heaven – it looks so amazing!

  2. Cella Babee says:

    This sounds amazing!

    I just watched Food, Inc. this summer… I kind of stopped eating chicken. And I used to make chicken like EVERY day (forgive me, I am in college!!) but that whole thing about the enlarged breasts and the chickens dying from being so unproportional just really grossed me out!

    Hehe. So my new food obsession is mushrooms 🙂

  3. A wonderful dip!! Perfect for the Super Bowl table, and totally fine to eat – once in a while.
    Food Inc. really changed the way we eat too… I had been doing organic, free range eggs and milk and as many veggies as I could for years, but really stepped it up to grass fed beef and organic, cage free chicken. We eat far less meat and only wild fish. Our beef consumption has gone way down, the grass fed/organic is just so expensive we can’t do it all the time.
    Luckily, we actually have a local farmer, organic and grass fed animals, humanely treated, etc. who sells at our local farmers market! Very pricey, but when we don’t use so much it’s ok.

  4. Tia says:

    solution: make it for potlucks when lots of other stuff will be served too 🙂

  5. Emily Malloy says:

    Hmmm… So you’re making this for me in December?!

  6. Jessica Lynn says:

    That looks heavenly! I may need to look up Food, Inc. on Netflix. It sounds like it’s literally life-changing