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Part-Time Vegan, Day 5

Day 5 has just replaced Day 14 as the last day of this challenge.
Let me tell you why I’m ending my vegan challenge early.
I know I’ve only been doing the vegan thing for a few days, but in the past 2-3 days I’ve noticed a change in Elliott’s eating habits that I’m not satisfied with.  I didn’t subject him to the vegan diet this week with his table food- he was fed plenty of yogurt, eggs and cheese- but he is still consuming most of his calories from me (i.e. we’re still nursing).
E has been waking up hungry during the night and seems almost insatiable in his daytime feedings.  I didn’t put it together until today that it is most likely the result of my diet.  I’d love to keep this vegan challenge going, but it’s clearly affecting my son in a negative way.  I feel blessed to have put the pieces together early on and not let it go on for two whole weeks.
So, for the rest of the month, I’ll continue to work in vegan/vegetarian dishes on the blog, but I won’t be a full-time vegan (or vegetarian for that matter).  I knew going into the challenge that this could not be a way of life for me, but this solidifies things even more.  The health of my family is taking priority here, even though I’m a little bummed that I won’t reach the finish line.
Don’t get me wrong, though!  I appreciate produce-heavy cooking and produce-heavy diets and we’ll continue to eat that way.  I also congratulate all you vegans out there for your commitment to your lifestyle- it’s really amazing to be that disciplined.
And lastly- thank you to everyone for the support, encouragement, recipes and advice!
I really loved hearing from all of you.
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3 Responses to “Part-Time Vegan, Day 5”
  1. Jessica Lynn says:

    Oh wow, so glad you figured that out sooner rather than later! Poor Elliott! This could definitely be something you can try again once he’s on all solids.

  2. Emily Malloy says:

    That’s so good you put it all together.

    You’re a good mom, there, Nat 🙂

  3. nicole says:

    smart to cut it short. have to do what is best for you and your little guy!