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Inside the Oven [Vol. 4]

Happy Memorial Day Weekend! 
 Hope you’re enjoying the extra time with your family. Here’s what’s new around here.

  • As an Air Force family, this holiday is always a good one for us (four day weekend, baby!), but this year is extra cool because it includes a promotion. The hubs is being promoted to Captain! This is cool for many reasons, my favorites being the extra money in the budget and the excuse to call him Captain-related nicknames whenever I please. Congratulations, honey! We appreciate all your hard work and I know the AF does, too.
  • We had a pickling marathon here a few nights ago. We’ve had a major cucumber crop and decided to get ahead of it before we’re up to our eyeballs in cukes. We made bread & butter pickles (pictured above) and dill pickles from an excellent canning book called Put ‘Em Up!– it’s divided by specific fruits and veggies so you can just grab the book when you have a big pile of (insert fruit/veggie here) and go to town. I previously thought canning was too hard and not to be messed with, but it’s not as bad as it seems. It was a fun little bonding activity. Nothing brings people together like hot brine and mason jars, am I right?
(photo by me, via MPMK)
  • Did you guys catch that I am now contributing to an excellent blog called Modern Parents Messy Kids? I am super-pumped about it and swimming in new ideas to share. I feel like Oven Love is all about the recipes, so it’s going to be fun for me to talk more about how I spend the days with the kids, doing silly stuff in the kitchen and making little bellies happy.
  • I just read that I have 1200 pins on Pinterest. How is that possible?? I have always used Pinterest as a mental bulletin board of things I want to do/recipes I want to make.. like a really, big to-do list. I guess that means I have 1200 things to do. Better get crackin’.
(via Babble)
  • Lastly, I added a few new blogs to my reader this week. Maybe you’ve heard of them, maybe not. They are full of happy inspiration. Here, here, here, here.
Make sure to stop by Oven Love in the next day or two for my 500th post! It’s going to be over-the-top delicious.
2 Responses to “Inside the Oven [Vol. 4]”
  1. Pickling has been on my to do list forever! I’ve always had this horrible image of my serving a pickle I made on the side of a sandwich and then everyone takes a bit and simultaneously spits it out because it’s so terrible. But if you say it’s not too difficult, I’ll be more willing to try it. Wish me luck!

  2. Jessica Lynn says:

    I so wish I was there to pickle with you! (That sentence, out of context, is hilarious!) Pickling intimidates me so much—love that you did it!

    congrats to your new captain 🙂