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TWD: Brownie Buttons

Brownie Buttons: fun! Jayma at Two Scientists Experimenting in the Kitchen picked these little cuties this week.

I decided to include the orange flavor, but I used extract instead of zest. I also subbed dark chocolate for the white chocolate on top. I was hoping they would puff up a little more than they did, but I guess buttons are supposed to be flat.

I am a fudgy middle kind of girl, so there were too many edges for me- not the perfect brownie, but a good one. A fun little treat for a summer day!

*Find the recipe here.
**Tuesdays with Dorie is a group of bloggers baking through Dorie Greenspan’s Baking: From My Home to Yours.

11 Responses to “TWD: Brownie Buttons”
  1. Your brownie buttons look cute! I often make brownie bites for bake sales and package them in little bags… I will have to give this recipe a try sometime.

  2. pinkstripes says:

    Gorgeous buttons! I like the dark chocolate on top!

  3. Nichi says:

    So cute! At first glance I though that this was just a picture of chocolate chips

  4. Adorable.

    I frosted mine.

  5. Charli says:

    Those dark chocolate tops look just perfect! Lovely πŸ™‚

  6. I would like six or seven of those please.

  7. Those brownie buttons look awesome with the dark chocolate topping! Mine came out kind of flat too…

  8. Nutmeg Nanny says:

    Your buttons are adorable:) Although I’m a total edge girl so these would be right up my alley:)

  9. Kathy says:

    They look great…you know how much your mom loves chocolate

  10. Tracey says:

    They look beautiful with the dark chocolate on top! Glad you liked them! I thought they were delicious.

  11. TeaLady says:

    I love those with dark chocolate – perfect.