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Quick Chocolate Avocado Pudding with Coconut Topping



Raise your hand if you ate pudding cups when you were a kid. (Hand raised.)

Raise your hand if you ate pudding cups when you were in college. (Hand raised- no shame.)

Raise your hand if you still eat pudding cups as an adult? (I wish. Where do I find refined-sugar free, corn syrup-free, soy-free, dairy-free pudding cups?)

No pudding cups for me. So sad.

Unless.. (quick Google/Pinterest search..) chocolate avocado pudding?

My thorough internet research tells me that there’s a let’s-make-dessert-out-of-avocados-and-see-what-happens trend happening and among those desserts is chocolate avocado pudding. Sounds weird. Really, weird. Especially if you’re used to seeing avocado do it’s normal, savory, guac-related thing.


Luckily, I have already warmed up to avocado and chocolate as a pair (remember my Avocado Banana Bread with chocolate chips?). ‘Cause when your belly says “Chocolate Pudding, NOW” at 10PM, you have to (put aside your fears that it will taste like chocolate guacamole and) listen.

The recipe takes less than 10 minutes to prepare and doesn’t need any time chilling, unless you want to. You can eat it straight out of the bowl, you can top it with coconut whip, coconut chips, fresh fruit, nuts- just do what your belly tells you to do.

My belly told me not to share, so if yours says that, too, it’s completely normal.


So long, pudding cups. You’ve been replaced!


5.0 from 2 reviews

Quick Chocolate Avocado Pudding with Coconut Topping
Prep time

Cook time

Total time


Grain-free, Gluten-free, Nut-free, Egg-Free, Paleo, Dairy-Free.
Recipe type: Dessert
Serves: 2

  • 1 ripe avocado (should be soft to the touch so that it will blend easily)
  • ⅓- 1/2 cup good quality cocoa powder
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • 2-4 tablespoons maple syrup or honey (or a few drops of liquid stevia)
  • 2-4 tablespoons coconut milk or other milk of choice (cow’s, almond, etc)
  • whipped coconut cream, yogurt or whipped cream, for serving
  • shredded coconut, coconut chips, nuts or fresh fruit, for serving

  1. Scoop the flesh of the avocado into a food processor or blender. Process until smooth.
  2. Add ⅓ cup cocoa powder, vanilla, 2 tablespoons of your sweetener and 2 tablespoons of your milk. Process until ingredients are fully mixed. If it’s too runny, add some more cocoa powder. If it’s too thick, add more milk.
  3. Taste it- if it’s too sweet, add some more cocoa powder. If it’s too bitter, add some more of your sweetener.
  4. Serve immediately with your desired toppings or store in the refrigerator.


4 Responses to “Quick Chocolate Avocado Pudding with Coconut Topping”
  1. Leah says:

    I love avocado pudding – its especially a fav in the hot summer months.
    I have even heard of pistachio versions floating around although I have yet to try it out.

  2. Loretta Chefchaouni says:

    I try a lot of recipes online and even if I like them I usually do not comment. But, this time
    I had to because this recipe is GENIUS! Quick, simple, delicious and so healthy! Thank you
    for this gem of a snack, great for late night, picnics and school lunch boxes!

  3. Liz says:

    Very yummy!!! Thanks!