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It’s about to get meatless up in here.

April is here, lovies!
I’m excited.  I’m a little scared, too.
Because for two weeks out of this month, I’ll be going vegan.
What the what?
(balsamic glazed asparagus)
Yes, I’m a little confused about it myself.  But I want to do it!  So I’m going to.  And you guys get to read all about it, milk/egg/cheese/bacon withdrawal and all.  Reasons why?
  • I want to know if it will make me feel any different, health-wise.  Will I feel better?  Will I feel tired?  Will I feel hungry?  I wanna know.
  • I want to know if I can come up with enough things to eat without getting bored.  I know there are a lot of vegan recipes out there these days- tons.  But personally, I don’t want to overeat soy products (I’ll be sharing my thoughts on this with you soon), and many vegan recipes are full of soy, soy and more soy.  So can I find enough meals I like that fulfill the vegan requirements without ODing on soy?  We shall see.
  • I just want to see if I can stick with it. Just for funsies.
  • I want to know if I can sustain enough protein, especially without a lot of soy.  Protein is of major (MAJOR) importance to pregnant and nursing women.  I’m currently nursing, so I can’t continue a diet that is low in protein while I’m responsible for my baby’s nutrition as well.
 (curry roasted cauliflower)
I can tell you all right now with almost complete certainty that I won’t become a vegan for good.  Reasons why?
  • I like meat, dairy and eggs. And honey! Per the Bible, I believe meat and animal products are meant to be eaten and enjoyed by humans.  That being said, I definitely don’t agree with or support what’s going on in the meat industry in this country.  But I do think you can find responsible places to buy your products with a little effort.
  • I like meat in moderation. I think meat is delish, but I don’t think we need to eat it three meals a day.  That’s overkill in our house.  We buy meat from responsible vendors (grass-fed, organic, you know the deal) and go easy on it.  We can get a little crazy with the milk, eggs and cheese, but we do our best to buy local/organic there as well.
  • I have a husband and a family. What can I say, the boys like their protein!  Maintaining a vegan lifestyle and being responsible for feeding a husband and child simply won’t work for me.  I don’t think it’s responsible for their sustained nutrition.
I’ll be sharing vegetarian and vegan recipes with you throughout the month and journaling my vegan experience for all to see.  I hope I don’t get too cranky.  Wish me luck!
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7 Responses to “It’s about to get meatless up in here.”
  1. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on going vegan for a little while. I do try to make some vegetarian and vegan meals throughout the week, but I’ve never done it for an extended period of time!

  2. Law+Gospel says:

    More power to you- I cannot do vegan because I simply cannot tolerate soy- will spare you the details. I have been doing the pescatarian thing now since Lent started-it’s been mainly positive but I confess I still really want meat-have found a lot of good recipes though.

  3. I’m excited to read about it! Veganism intrigues me. I, too, love eggs and meat and dairy, but I wonder if I could try it for awhile…

  4. kian says:

    It is very intriguing blog you have… Just post some information on that topic…
    I have some recommendation for you to have your proper diet…


  5. Kelley says:

    Wow that is a big decision. I am curious how it will be for you so I look forward to hearing all about it. I can go without meat, its the dairy and eggs I would miss most. Good Luck

  6. Jessica Lynn says:

    Good luck, my friend! How about we have you over at the end of two weeks for some hamburgers or steak?! On a serious note, I’m excited to hear about your vegan adventures

  7. Jocey says:

    Awesome! I’ve really cut back on meat lately. I don’t crave it as much now. Good luck!