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Apricot-Glazed Pork Tenderloin with Crispy Potatoes and Lemon Asparagus

While I was home in Philadelphia, I had some wonderful meals – thanks mostly to my Aunt Patty, a fantastic hostess and cook. Since I was out and about for much of the weekend, I didn’t get to do much cooking myself, so it was nice to get back to my kitchen today.

I’ve been meaning to make pork and use some apricot jam for a while, so this recipe was perfect. The recipe is very simple – all you need is the pork, the jam and some mustard. The pork cooks quickly under the broiler, and I added some thinly sliced red potatoes with olive oil, salt and pepper to cook along side the meat. The sauce is done on the stove-top, and the asparagus can be easily done in a pan alongside. Everything was done in under 30 minutes.

I’m looking forward to posting some great dinner ideas this week – lots of new recipes on the way. Please comment if there are any types of recipes you’d like to see – I’ve got plenty of time on my hands to experiment!

One Response to “Apricot-Glazed Pork Tenderloin with Crispy Potatoes and Lemon Asparagus”
  1. EAT! says:

    I love cooking with pork tenderloin – there are so many ways to prepare it and it is so much tastier than chicken.