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Tuesdays With Dorie: Perfect Party Cupcakes

This week’s TWD is hosted by Mix, Mix, Stir, Stir.  It’s Dorie’s Perfect Party Cake, a famed recipe among many TWDers.  I decided to make it into cupcakes, because.. you know, it’s what I do.
The cupcake consists of Dorie’s lemon cake, raspberry puree filling, Dorie’s buttercream and sweetened coconut.  And I have to tell you something- it wasn’t my favorite.

Maybe it just wasn’t meant to be a cupcake, and I should try it again in cake form.  I just wasn’t a fan of this recipe.  But I love Dorie and TWD either way.  This is what it’s all about- trial and error!

I’m glad it worked out for so many of my other TWD friends!
*Find the recipe here.
**Tuesdays with Dorie is a group of bloggers baking through Dorie Greenspan’s Baking: From My Home to Yours.
9 Responses to “Tuesdays With Dorie: Perfect Party Cupcakes”
  1. These look absolutely delicious!

  2. Nutmeg Nanny says:

    How adorable! I made this cake once but I think I love the cupcakes even more! Did you make any modifications to the recipe to turn them into cupcakes? I’m sorry you didn’t really care for the cupcakes, but I can say that the cake was great. I found that when it sat for a day it tasted even better.

  3. Amanda says:

    I’m sorry it wasn’t your fave! They look wonderful 🙂 I made the cake and subbed lemon (zest, etc) with orange, then I filled it with sweet orange marmalade and lemon zest. I loved it 🙂

  4. Erin Orr says:

    Your cupcakes look too darn cute! Did you eat your cupcakes at room temp? That made all the difference to me. Love your blog!

  5. PheMom says:

    They look lovely anyway! I think it is just a cake that really needs something creamy (and in larger amounts) to really make it a hit. The chocolate with mine was too dry, but I remember it being dreamy when I used all the buttercream and jam last year.

  6. Tracey says:

    Bummer that you didn’t enjoy it. Your cupcakes look really great though 🙂

  7. pinkstripes says:

    I love that you made cupcakes. Too bad they weren’t your fave.

  8. what a drag…they are cute, though!

  9. I hope you were happy with how cute they look, even if you didn’t really dig the way they tasted. Thanks for giving it a go.