Comments on: Why I Took the MRT (Mediator Release Test) and a Health Update from scratch, with love...and a little sass Wed, 20 Jan 2016 17:19:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rachel DuBois Wed, 09 Dec 2015 17:46:33 +0000 I’m considering doing the MRT test as I’ve tried an elimination diet twice and several similar variations and yet the symptoms persist. Do you think it was worth it to do the MRT test?

One of the concerns I had was that I heard that if you haven’t been eating the food for some time, it won’t show up as a sensitivity. So I’ve not eaten gluten, dairy, soy, corn, eggs or nuts for months or years and I wonder if it would show up incorrectly.

By: Natalie Tue, 25 Aug 2015 14:49:01 +0000 I did the diet and found I still had symptoms, which led me to take the SIBO breath test, which I tested positive for. So it helped me find one of my root problems, which is great.

By: Rebecca Sun, 09 Aug 2015 15:05:31 +0000 So how have your results been??

By: Amanda w Sun, 07 Jun 2015 15:52:48 +0000 How much was the test and where can I get it. Are you having any results from not eating those foods? How often do you have to retest and when can you re introduce those foods

By: Verlyn Thu, 07 May 2015 22:38:07 +0000 Just posted in one of your other blogs concerning “bone broth”…… YES!!!!! Definately check out microbiotics as Aunt Evelyn has suggested— totally agree!!!!!!!!!! Macrobiotics cured my very severe inablility to eat ANYTHING. After 5 doctors (which were no help, except to put me on drugs for the rest of my life that didn’t even help that much & caused stomach tumors in rats) I began to do my own research—which by the way reminds me of a nurse that was getting eggs from me. She asked what I was feeding our chickens…. this was before I was sick…. I rolled my eyes and thought –“Oh, good grief….not one of those”…. come to find out she had a brain tumor and although it was not malignant “where was it going to go”. She studied nutrition and did reserach and ended up getting her nutritional licence AND her brain tumor disappeared!!!!!!! She was my mentor after I became “one of those” and encouraged me greatly. I have experienced so much and have so much to say…… but for now, for you, check out macrobiotic’s. A different nutritionist turned me on to Christina Pirello’s cook book “Cooking the Whole Foods Way”….. it Americanizes macrobiotics…( but it is still a bit of a challenge. I had never cooked with “sea vegetables” before….[ they are so good for you]!!!!) Christina’s recipes are delicious. She has a web site– — read HER story, she had lukemia & 9 months to live–go to “ABOUT” and click on “MY STORY”. Needless to say she is still alive and well and even has a cooking show on PBS! I view macrobiotics as a “healing” diet. One, of many things I learned from Christina is that potatoes are super acidic….(I noticed they are on your list) as is honey…. & others??? Stay away from acidic foods!! I wish you the best on this journey to cure youself…. you CAN do it…. it won’t be easy, but you can!!!! It is well worth the effort!!!!!

By: Aunt Evelyn Tue, 21 Apr 2015 22:06:20 +0000 Natalie, Didn’t know you were having food reactions. I’m not an expert but have experience. Get back to Eden. Combine the Paleo diet with your individual allergic restrictions. Raw green veggies, nuts and whole grains. No processed foods, juicing is great. Avoid all meats that can cloud the results with chemical additives and hormones. If you have ever heard of the Macrobiotic diet, this is similar and just waiting for your creative dishes.
